
Ship Model Clubs

Midwest Model Shipwrights

USS Constitution Model Shipwright Guild

The Ship Model Society of New Jersey

Shipcraft Guild of New York

Philadelphia Ship Model Society

(Long Island Ship Model Society

Ed Mostowicz and Ken Yurkovitch)

The Nautical Research Guild

Model Ship World


IPMS Chapters

International Plastic Modeler's Society

IPMS Chapter Stratford Connecticut

Model Railroad Clubs

HO Valley Trak Modular Club

Housatonic Model Railway Club

New Haven & Derby Model Railroad Club


Custom House Maritime Museum


Bluejacket Ship Crafters The shipmodel company located in Maine featuring shipmodel kits and fittings of all eras as well as scratch building materials

Syren Ship Model Fittings and Supplies Blocks and fittings from the sailing ship era

Hobby Mill Custom wood milling that caters to model shipbuilders and hobbyist

The CMMS logo is from member Justin Camarata and is featured in his book Watetline Dioramas- A Modelbuilder's Artform. The book covers all subjects needed to create a diorama. In particular it covers the difficult subject of creating water and wave action on a boat. Take a look here at a few sample exerpt pages as well information on obtaining this book.